multi N/C Series Fast and Reliable TOC-/TNb Analysis
- Powerful – TC, TIC, TOC, POC, NPOC, TNb etc. even in complicated matrices
- Standard compliance – e.g., EN 1484, EN 12260, EN 15936, ISO 20236
- Reliable – maximum operational safety with the Self Check System
- Efficient – long-term stable calibration
Working with multi N/C means measuring sum parameters like TOC, NPOC, DOC, TC, TIC, and TNb quickly, easily, and with no system conversion – and guaranteed for compliance with valid national and international standards.
TOC and TNb Analysis for Each Application
The modular versatility of the multi N/C series permits individual adaptation to your applications. Multiple automation options, various nitrogen detectors, and several solids modules, partly with automation option, for TOC determination in soil, sediment, waste materials, and more are available. multi N/C is versatile, reliable, and easy to use, guarantees maximum operating time and low running costs.
- Focus Radiation NDIR detector – Highest radiation density for highest sensitivity and precision
- VITA Flow Management System – Continues to work where classical TOC analyzers reach their limits
- Easy Cal – Calibration has never been so easy
- High-power long-life UV reactor – Convincing performance in wet chemical oxidation
- 10-year warranty on the NDIR detector and on the furnace technology of combustion-based multi N/C models
- 3-year warranty on the UV reactor for UV-based multi N/C models
Title | Language | Info |
Brochure TOC TNb analyzer multi NC (EN) | en | PDF, 577 KB |
Broschuere TOC TNb Analysator multi NC (DE) | de | PDF, 610 KB |
Produktkatalog Chemische Analyse (DE) | de | PDF, 909 KB |
Product Guide Chemical Analysis (EN) | en | PDF, 886 KB |
Flyer-TOC-TNb-analyzer-multi-NC-decision-tree | en | PDF, 228 KB |
Flyer Calibration Standard Offering (EN) | en | PDF, 265 KB |
Sophisticated Technologies for Your TOC/TNb Analysis
From surface and waste water investigations in the environmental sector to high-purity water in the semiconductor or pharmaceutical industry – our multi N/C instruments offer you customized solutions for reliable TOC/TNb measurements in your field of application. Especially in the case of difficult sample matrices, the devices are convincing due to their reliability and ease of maintenance. With the new multi N/C duo systems we also offer combined analytical instruments for fully automated liquid and solid TOC analysis.
At the heart of each model of the multi N/C series is the corrosion-free Focus-Radiation NDIR detector. Over a measuring range from 0 to 30,000 mg/L TOC it achieves highest sensitivity and precision without sample dilution. The VITA Flow Management System effectively compensates for carrier gas fluctuations and enables automatic and long-term stable calibration with EasyCal.
Two sample digestion methods are available for TOC measurement: high-temperature combustion up to 950 °C and wet chemical UV oxidation. The high-power long-life UV reactor uses two wavelengths (185/254 nm) for complete oxidation, enabling blank value-free analysis without oxidizing agent. Furthermore, numerous liquid and solid automation options, nitrogen detectors and solid modules are available. With our broad product range it's your choice to benefit from our proven technologies of different sample digestion techniques like high temperature combustion or UV digestion as well as different sample injection techniques, direct or flow injection and varios automation solutions.
multi N/C 2100S - Direct injection TOC analyzer
Compact and universal high-temperature combustion TOC/TNb analyzer. Septum-free direct injection technology for carryover-free work with particle and oil containing samples. Perfect also for small sample volumes.
Order number: 450-200.100-2
multi N/C 2100S duo - Fully automated TOC analyzer for liquids and solids
Robust automation – whether solid or liquid samples. Septum-free direct injection technique for particle- or oil-containing water samples in combination with catalyst-free sample oxidation in a ceramic combustion tube for solids.
Order number: 450-200.104-2
multi N/C 3100 - Flow injection TOC analyzer
The all-rounder for the high-throughput laboratory. Robust loop injection technology with reverse-rinse and parallel purge for fast NPOC analysis.
Order number: 450-200.500-2
multi N/C 3100 duo - Fully automated TOC analyzer for liquids and solids
The fast all-rounder for liquid and solid samples. Combination of flow injection with intelligent rinsing and injection technology for particulate water samples with catalyst-free sample oxidation in a ceramic combustion tube for solids.
Order number: 450-200.504-2
multi N/C UV HS - TOC analyzer (UV digestion)
Extremely effective even with complicated matrices. Fast UV oxidation for TOC analyses where combustion equipment reaches its limits.
Order number: 450-200.700-2
Determination of Soil Microbial Biomass (EN)
TOC Determination in Raw and Drinking Water (EN)
TOC/TNb Determination in Municipal Sewage Plants (EN)
TOC/TNb Determination in Refinery Effluents (EN)
TOC/TNb-Bestimmung in Prozessabwässern der Papier-und Zellstoffindustrie (DE)
TOC/TNb Determination in Pulp and Paper Process Effluents (EN)
Determination of TOC in Agricultural Soil, Dried Manure, and Sediments (EN)
Determination of TOC in Solid Waste (EN)
Bestimmung der mikrobiellen Biomasse in Böden mittels TOC/TNb-Messung (DE)
TOC/TNb-Bestimmung in kommunalen Kläranlagen (DE)
TOC/TNb-Bestimmung in Raffinerieabwässern (DE)
TOC-Wiederfindung in partikelhaltigen Proben mit dem Cellulose-Test nach DIN EN 1484 (DE)
TOC Recovery in Particle-Containing Samples with the Cellulose Test According to DIN EN 1484 (EN)
Determination of Soil Microbial Biomass (EN)
TOC Determination in Raw and Drinking Water (EN)
Determination of TOC in Agricultural Soil, Dried Manure, and Sediments (EN)
TOC Determination in Phosphoric Acid by UV Digestion (EN)
Analysis of TOC/TN in Product Quality Monitoring of Hydrogen Peroxide (EN)
TOC Determination in Electroplating Bath Solutions by UV Digestion
TOC Determination in Brine Samples Coming from Desalting Process of Crude Oil (EN)
TOC/TNb Determination in Refinery Effluents (EN)
Determination of TOC in Oil Shale (EN)
TOC/TNb-Bestimmung in Raffinerieabwässern (DE)
TOC Control in Boiler Feed and Cooling Water of Fossil Fuel Fired and Nuclear Power Plants (EN)
Determination of TOC in Ash, Slag, and Filter Dust (EN)
Technical Data
Measuring Time | Digestion Mode | Precision | Injection Volume | Detector | Sample Supply | Gas supply | Optional Parameters | Measurement Range | Limit of Detection | Parameters | Dimension (width x depth x height) | |
multi N/C 2100S - Direct injection TOC analyzer | 3 - 5 min | Catalytic high temperature combustion up to 950°C | 1 - 2 % | 50 - 500 µL | Focus Radiation NDIR | Direct injection | Oxygen 4.5 or synthetic air (CO2 <1 ppm, hydrocarbons <0.5 ppm) | TNb (ChD/CLD) | 0 - 30000 mg/L | 50 µg/L | TC, TIC, TOC, DOC, NPOC, NPOCplus | 513 mm x 464 mm x 550 mm |
multi N/C 2100S duo - Fully automated TOC analyzer for liquids and solids | 3 - 5 min | Catalytic high temperature combustion up to 950°C & Catalyst-free oxidation up to 1300°C | 1 - 2 % | 50 - 500 µL | Focus Radiation NDIR | Direct injection | Oxygen 4.5 or synthetic air (CO2 <1 ppm, hydrocarbons <0.5 ppm) Oxygen 2.5 | TNb (ChD/CLD) | 0 - 30000 mg/L | 50 µg/L | TC, TIC, TOC, DOC, NPOC, NPOCplus | 1865 mm x 650 mm x 970 mm |
multi N/C 3100 - Flow injection TOC analyzer | 3 - 5 min | Catalytic high temperature combustion up to 950°C | 1 - 2 % | 100 - 1000 µL | Focus Radiation NDIR | Flow injection | Oxygen 4.5 or synthetic air (CO2 <1 ppm, hydrocarbons <0.5 ppm) | TNb (ChD/CLD), POC (direct measurement) | 0 - 30000 mg/L | 4 µg/L | TC, TIC, TOC, DOC, NPOC, NPOCplus | 513 mm x 464 mm x 550 mm |
multi N/C 3100 duo - Fully automated TOC analyzer for liquids and solids | 3 - 5 min | Catalytic high temperature combustion up to 950°C & Catalyst-free oxidation up to 1300°C | 1 - 2 % | 100 - 1000 µL | Focus Radiation NDIR | Flow injection | Oxygen 4.5 or synthetic air (CO2 <1 ppm, hydrocarbons <0.5 ppm) Oxygen 2.5 | TNb (ChD/CLD), POC (direct measurement) | 0 - 30000 mg/L | 4 µg/L | TC, TIC, TOC, DOC, NPOC, NPOCplus | 2215 mm x 650 mm x 550 mm |
multi N/C UV HS - TOC analyzer (UV digestion) | 3 - 5 min | UV wet chemical digestion | 1 - 2 % | 50 - 20000 µL | Focus Radiation NDIR | Flow injection | Nitrogen 5.0 or Argon 4.6 | Solids TC/TOC/TIC | 0 - 10000 mg/L | 1 µg/L | TC, TIC, TOC, DOC, NPOC, NPOCplus | 513 mm x 464 mm x 550 mm |
Order Information
Order number | Description |
450-200.100-2 | multi N/C 2100S - Direct injection TOC analyzer |
450-200.104-2 | multi N/C 2100S duo Fully automated TOC analyzer for liquids and solids |
450-200.500-2 | multi N/C 3100 Flow injection TOC analyzer |
450-200.504-2 | multi N/C 3100 duo Fully automated TOC analyzer for liquid and solid TOC analysis |
450-200.700-2 | multi N/C UV HS TOC analyzer (UV based) |
"The instrument is ideally suited for the analysis of all types of water – from ultrapure and drinking water to industrial waste water. The multi N/C 3100 is robust and a real lab routine mainstay. The short reaction times and the excellent cooperation with regular representatives are not only of assistance to my laboratory, but to me personally as well."
Dr. Ralph Zimmer, Lead Analytical Manager Dow Böhlen
Smart Solutions for Convenient TOC/TNb Analysis
Reliable detection – Focus Radiation NDIR detector
The heart of every multi N/C device is the Focus Radiation NDIR detector for CO2 detection. High-energy IR radiation is focused on the micro detector by means of integrated optics. The obtained radiation density exceeds classical detectors and guarantees higher sensitivity and precision over a measuring range from 0 to 30,000 mg/L TOC without sample dilution. You save on operating costs thanks to corrosion- and maintenance-free operation and a long-term warranty of ten years.
Reliable digestion − high-power long-life UV reactor
The high-power long-life UV reactor uses two UV wavelengths simultaneously for oxidation (254/185 nm). This high-energy radiation ensures fast and complete digestion even of very stable carbon compounds. Therefore, additional reagents are not required for many applications or can be prepared by the user. Together with the three-year warranty for the UV reactor, this leads to minimum running costs.
Reliable performance – VITA and Easy Cal
The VITA Flow Management System allows for the rapid injection of large sample volumes into high temperature TOC analyzers and significantly improves result accuracy and sensitivity in the trace range. In addition, Easy Cal makes it possible for multi-point calibrations to be performed from a single stock solution using different injection volumes. The generated calibration curves are independent of the injection volume and extremely long-term stable. The automatic and correct calibration range selection for each sample measurement allows for easier operations at the highest level.
AS 60 Autosampler for multi N/C 2100S, 2100S duo and 2100S pharma
Autosampler for all multi N/C 2100S direct injection TOC/TN analyzers with 60 or 112 sample positions. Automatic sample acidification and homogenization as well as effective syringe rinse included.
Order number: 450-126.682
AS vario Autosampler for multi N/C 3100, 3100 pharma, UV HS, pharma UV / HT
Variable high capacity autosampler with up to 6 freely selectable sample racks for up to 146 samples. Automatic sample homogenization, sample acidification and parallel purge (NPOC) included.
Order number: 450-900.140
AS vario ER Autosampler with ext. needle cleaning for multi N/C 3100 and UV HS
Variable high capacity autosampler with external needle rinse function. Choose from 4 different sample racks for up to 146 samples. Automatic sample homogenization, sample acidification and parallel purge (NPOC) included.
Order number: 450-900.148
HT 1300 for multi NC 2100S - solids combustion module for TC/TOC analysis
Accessory module for determination of TC and TOC in solids by robust catalyst-free oxidation in a ceramic combustion tube at up to 1300°C.
Order number: 450-900.128
AS 21hp Autosampler for multi N/C UV HS, multi N/C pharma and multi N/C 3100
High performance autosampler for up to 21 samples, including automatic sample homogenization and parallel purge in NPOC mode. Protective cover available.
Order number: 450-900.106
Double Furnace solids module for multi N/C 2100S
Horizontal sample introduction by quartz boats for determination of TC and TOC in solids by catalytic combustion at up to 950°C.
Order number: 450-900.120
AS 10e Autosampler for multi N/C UV HS, multi N/C pharma and multi N/C 3100
Economic automation for particle-free samples or calibration runs. 10 sample positions for 40/50 mL vials with automatic NPOC purge and protective cover available.
Order number: 450-900.111
CLD upgrade for simultaneous nitrogen determination
Upgrade module for combustion-based multi N/C analyzers for simultaneous TNb determination from aqueous samples by chemiluminescence detection.
Order number: 450-200.650
EPA Sampler with Piercing function for multi N/C 3100, UV HS and multi N/C pharma
Automation for up to 64 septum-capped EPA vials (40 mL). Automatic sample acidification, homogenization and parallel purge and analyze (NPOC) included.
Order number: 450-126.693
HT 1300 for multi N/C UV HS - solids combustion module for TC/TOC analysis
Accessory module for determination of TC and TOC in solids by robust catalyst-free oxidation in a ceramic combustion tube at up to 1300°C.
Order number: 450-126.680
POC module "automatic" for multi N/C 3100, 3100 duo or 3100 pharma
Module for fully automated direct determination of purgeable organic carbon (POC) in water samples in combination with the EPA sampler.
Order number: 450-900.130
POC module "basic" for multi N/C 3100, 3100 duo und 3100 pharma
Manually operated module for the direct determination of purgeable organic carbon (POC) in water samples.
Order number: 450-126.621
HT 1300 for multi NC 3100 - solids combustion module for TC/TOC analysis
Accessory module for determination of TC and TOC in solids by robust catalyst-free oxidation in a ceramic combustion tube at up to 1300°C.
Order number: 450-900.129
TIC solids module manual
Accessory module for semi-automated, direct determination of total inorganic carbon (TIC) in solid samples by acid decomposition.
Order number: 450-126.575
The intuitive multiWin software monitors and controls all important system parameters and provides a clear display of the measurement results. Available in many differnet languages e.g. English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Russian.
- Fast access by big operation buttons
- Comprehensive user-oriented functions
- User defined checklist for quick start of operation
- Search, sort and filter functions for methods, calibration and result files
- Freely selectable sample types (e.g. QC standards, daily factors, various blank types, etc.)
- Sequences of mixed methods can be created
- During a running sequence new samples can be added, results can be re-calculated or printed
- Sample ID’s can be assigned automatically or imported form LIMS
- Sequence templates can be created and saved for later re-use
- Multi-point calibration from a single standard (Easy Cal)
- Up to 3 calibration ranges each parameter and method can be used
- TOC-Blank determination and automatic result correction possible
- Automatic monitoring of maintenance intervals, gas flows and pressures, temperatures and detector status (Self-Check-System)
- Automatic or manual data export in different formats (LIMS, CSV, PDF)
- User management, audit trail and electronic signatures (optionally to be used)
Product | Required | Included |
multi N/C 2100S - Direct injection TOC analyzer (450-200.100-2) | ||
multi N/C 2100S duo - Fully automated TOC analyzer for liquids and solids (450-200.104-2) | ||
multi N/C 3100 - Flow injection TOC analyzer (450-200.500-2) | ||
multi N/C 3100 duo - Fully automated TOC analyzer for liquids and solids (450-200.504-2) | ||
multi N/C UV HS - TOC analyzer (UV digestion) (450-200.700-2) |
Order number | Name |
402-810.084 | Halogen absorber filling, 21mm 10 refills of the halogen absorber U-tube, I.D. 21 mm |
402-886.312 | Halogen absorber filling, 21mm 1 refill of the halogen absorber U-tube, I.D. 21 mm |
402-881.213 | Set particle filter (in-line filter) |
402-881.013 | U-tube halogen absorber O.D. 21 mm |
402-815.830 | Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace, 34 x 4 mm |
402-886.014 | Ceramic combustion tube for HT furnaces type HT 1300 / HT 1500 |
402-886.111 | Adapter for drying tube with angle connector |
402-886.116 | Drying agent for HT furnace |
402-886.129 | Drying tube, GL 45 for HT furnace |
402-886.131 | Calcium carbonate TC/TIC standard |
402-886.143 | Aluminum part for two-part ceramic hook long, 600 mm |
402-820.075 | Bottle Insert for Screw Cap GL 45 (Schott bottle) |
402-886.118 | Ceramic boats for HT furnace |
402-886.144 | Ceramic hook for FPG 48 in combination with TIC solids module automatic |
402-825.110 | Collection tray multi N/C - diameter 100 mm, height 50 mm |
402-890.136 | Combustion tube, O.D. 16 mm, quartz combustion tube TOC/TNb with holder |
402-890.134 | Combustion tube, O.D. 16 mm, quartz combustion tube TOC/TNb |
402-890.219 | Combustion tube, O.D. 16 mm, quartz combustion tube TOC/TNb, set of 5 pieces |
402-885.010 | Combustion tube, O.D. 26 mm, quartz combustion tube TOC/TNb |
402-950.009 | Condensation coil for multi N/C 3100 |
402-950.002 | Condensation coil multi N/C 2100/S for S/N 500 and higher |
402-950.017 | Connector IC vessel - TC prefilter |
450-900.224 | Consumables kit multi N/C UV HS / pharma UV |
450-900.220 | Consumables kit multi N/C 2100S, 16 mm CT (S/N 500 and higher) |
450-900.222 | Consumables kit multi N/C 3100 16 mm CT (S/N 500 and higher) |
450-900.228 | Consumables Set for HT 1300 and multi N/C duo systems |
402-007.513 | FAST connector , angled |
402-007.884 | FAST connector , straight |
402-007.508 | FAST connector , straight |
402-007.988 | FAST connector straight |
402-881.027 | Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEK |
402-881.026 | Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEK |
402-825.041 | Fork clamp KS 13/2 with locking screw |
402-810.050 | Halogen absorber filling, 11mm 1 refill of the halogen absorber U-tube, I.D. 11 mm |
402-810.083 | Halogen absorber filling, 11mm 5 refills of the halogen absorber U-tube, I.D. 11 mm |
402-885.045 | High-temperature mat rectangular, for 16 mm combustion tube |
402-885.017 | High-temperature mat, round, for 26 mm combustion tube |
402-950.004 | IC condensing vessel for multi N/C 2100 S (S/N 500 and higher) |
402-950.012 | IC/Condensation vessel for multi N/C UV HS and pharma UV (S/N 500 and higher) |
402-950.010 | IC/Condensation vessel for multi NC 3100 and pharma HT (S/N 500 and higher) |
402-884.019 | Injection tube for furnace head, pre-assembled |
402-812.513 | Knurled screw with slot M3 x 25 mm, for multi N/C series |
402-950.015 | Luer-tubing adaptor for water trap |
402-823.056 | Needles, I.D. 0.35 mm for syringes |
899-TOCC1A | NPOC calibration kit, HTC - 0-5 mg/L C, KHP, drinking water calibration |
899-TOCC2A | NPOC calibration kit, UV - 0.5 mg/L C, KHP, drinking water calibration |
402-815.102 | O-rings for combustion tube, I.D. 16 mm |
402-810.048 | Platinum catalyst 15 mL for TOC/TNb determination |
402-810.059 | Platinum catalyst 80 mL for TOC/TNb determination |
402-886.333 | Platinum net |
450-900.225 | Preventive maintenance kit multi N/C UV HS / pharma UV (S/N 500 and higher) |
450-900.221 | Preventive maintenance kit multi N/C 2100S (S/N 500 and higher) |
450-900.223 | Preventive maintenance kit multi N/C 3100 (S/N 500 and higher) |
402-885.011 | Pump hose for H3PO4 pump (perestaltic pump) |
402-884.005 | Pump hose for waste pump (perestaltic pump) |
402-881.006 | Quartz glass cullet, coarse grain, 80 g |
402-825.044 | Quartz wool |
402-825.091 | Reagent bottle 250 mL for sodium peroxo disulfate |
402-825.097 | Reagent bottle, 250 ml for phosphoric acid |
402-883.005 | Sample aspiration tube |
402-885.016 | Sample aspiration tube with screw joint |
402-884.007 | Sample purge tube |
402-884.026 | Sample purge tube with screw joint |
402-825.095 | Schott bottle with screw cap, 100 mL |
402-825.086 | Screw cap bottle 2.5 L for ultra-pure rinse water supply |
402-884.023 | Screw Cap GL 45 for Bottle Insert (Schott bottle) |
402-100.061 | Screw cap TIC-Port, GL 18, red |
402-881.238 | Septa O.D. 10 mm for pneumatic furnace head |
402-886.327 | Septum pre-cut (red/white) for TIC port, O.D. 17 mm, set á 5 pieces |
402-886.329 | Septum pre-cut for TIC port - O.D. 17 mm, set á 5 pieces |
402-950.005 | Set of FAST-Connectors, 8 pcs. |
402-881.245 | Set of TC prefilter and water trap |
402-810.058 | Special catalyst CeO2 for TOC/TNb determination approx. 200g |
402-810.047 | Special catalyst CeO2 for TOC/TNb determination approx. 40 g |
402-823.033 | Syringe 25 mL for syringe pump, 9 port |
402-886.311 | Syringe 500 µL, graduated, for manual injection |
402-823.110 | Syringe for dosing pump, 5 mL |
899-TIC1MNS | TIC stock solution 1000 mg/L C Sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonate 50:50 Mixture |
899-W500A | TOC preparation water, HTC stabilized with HCl for combustion based TOC systems |
899-W500SA | TOC preparation water, UV stabilized with H2SO4 for UV digestion TOC systems |
899-TC1MNS | TOC stock solution 1000 mg/L C Potassium hydrogenphthalate (KHP) |
402-890.110 | Tube kit for multi N/C 2100 S |
402-890.193 | Tube kit for multi N/C 3100 |
402-890.305 | Tube kit for multi N/C UV HS and pharma UV |
402-886.141 | Two-part ceramic hook long, 600 mm |
402-950.001 | U-tube halogen absorber O.D. 11 mm |
402-815.076 | Waste container 5 L |
402-884.021 | Waste hose TOC with screw joint for basic unit (2 m) |
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