Nucleic Acid Extraction
Customer-oriented Solutions for Nucleic Acid Extraction
Fast and reliable nucleic acid extraction from a vast variety of starting materials - for small, moderate and high numbers of samples.
Extraction Solutions for Every Laboratory
Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction for moderate Sample Throughputs
- Flexible purification of DNA and/or RNA up to 16 samples parallel
- Optimized ready-to-use kits for large variety of starting materials
- Magnetic beads separation or SmartExtraction
Solutions for High-Throughput Extraction
- Extraction of DNA and/or RNA up to 96 samples parallel
- Direct start thanks to optimized, pre-installed protocols
- For SmartExtraction and magnetic beads separation sowohl für SmartExtraktion als auch Magnetpartikel-Separation
- Easily integrate your own routines for qPCR sample preparation or dilution
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