Creating Value Downstream Analytical Solutions for Oil & Gas

We help you become fully compliant with the strictest regulations and achieve the best product quality by providing tailor-made and easy-to-use lab instrumentation.

Feedstock control

We help you gain precise knowledge of the composition and contaminants of your feedstock materials, enabling you to precisely assess potential risks to refining process with reliable data on element impurities.

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Process control

We help you to process crude oil and natural gas as profitably as possible using offline monitoring of corrosive and wear elements throughout all stages of production.

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Meeting the strictest product specifications is crucial for complying with regulations and legal limits. We help you achieve a high product value for fuels and other refinery products using analyses with maximum sensitivity.

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Because petrochemicals are major precursors of many industrial products, hydrocarbon feedstock analysis reduces risks during advanced processing. We help you to maximize yields, elevate product quality, and assure specifications.

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Effluent control

Direct dischargers have to ensure compliance with regulatory limits before releasing industrial effluents into the environment. We help analyze effluents in accordance with regulations such as EPA, ISO and EN.

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We support you in all aspects concerning alternative fuels from development, production, and feedstock risk assessment to compliance and emission control.

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Web seminar: Analysis and monitoring of oil, gas, and petrochemical products

To ensure product quality and process optimization, the determination of elemental impurities is crucial for control labs in refineries and in the production of alternative fuels. Analytik Jena's versatile solutions help you comply with international regulations and improve analysis of petroleum products, natural gas and alternative fuels.

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Whitepaper: New paths for LPG analytics

We are presenting a new method for LPG analysis that greatly improves the safety in your lab and the quality of your analysis results. The analysis times are also much shorter. Even non-specialist personnel can thus safely and quickly measure liquefied pressurized gases/liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) samples. The method only has to be integrated once.

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Removal of nitrogen interferences for sulfur determination in fuels

Total sulfur (TS) is a routine parameter in the quality control of fuels. However, analysis can prove challenging as nitrogen interferences can distort results. Now, innovative technologies are available that suppress these interferences and save laboratories a lot of time and effort in the analysis process. 

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Solutions at a glance

Method DeviceSpecial FeatureRegulations
CNSXmulti EA 5100 
  • Matrix tolerance and robustness (double furnace)
  • Intelligent flame sensor ensures quantitative combustion
  • Fastest horizontal analysis
  • ASTM: D6667, D5453, D4929, D5808, D5762, D7184, etc.
  • ISO: 20846, etc.
  • UOP: 981, 987, etc.
  • Maximum throughput with minimum bench space of < 0.3 m2
  • Interference-free TS analysis in fuels
ICP-MSPlasmaQuant MS 
  • Direct analysis of any kind of organic sample matrix
  • Measurement of nearly undiluted samples for optimum detection limits in sub-ppb range
  • UOP: 992, 1006, etc.
  • ASTM: D8110, etc.
ICP-OESPlasmaQuant 9100 
  • High-resolution provides interference-free access to most sensitive emission lines
  • Matrix tolerance for analysis of undiluted samples
  • Detection limits of < 1 ppb for most relevant elements
  • ASTM: D4951, D5185, D7111, D7691, D8130 etc.
  • EN: 16576, 16476, etc.
  • DIN: 51399, 51627, etc.
  • ISO 22241-2, etc.
AASnovAA 800 
  • Easy operation with less hands-on time
  • Compliant with the majority of regulations and standards
  • ASTM: D3831, D4628, D5184, D5863, etc.
  • EN: 16135, etc.
contrAA 800 
  • One lamp - all wavelengths between 185-900 nm available
  • High resolution for easy method development and elimination of spectral interferences
TOC/TNbmulti N/C 2100S 
  • Matrix robustness for challenging samples (high organic content, particles, high salt)
  • EN: 1484, 12260, etc.
  • ISO: 20236, etc.
AOX / EOXmulti X 2500 
  • High throughput with automated sample preparation and workflow
  • Versatile application – analysis of AOX, EOX, TOX, POX
  • ISO: 9562, etc.
  • DIN: 38414-S17, etc.


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