Conditions of Use

1. Applicability

Use of these web pages (hereinafter referred to as the "Analytik Jena Website") offered by Analytik Jena GmbH and/or its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as "Analytik Jena") is permitted solely on the basis of the conditions below. By making use of the Analytik Jena Website you accept the validity of the respective version of these conditions of use.

2. Performance

a) Analytik Jena makes certain information available for viewing or downloading on its website. The Analytik Jena Website has been compiled with the utmost care. Nevertheless, we are unable to guarantee the correctness and completeness of the information contained. We also do not vouch for the suitability of the contents of our Internet site for the user and his/her purposes.

b) We are entitled to discontinue in part or in full operation of the Analytik Jena Website at any time or to make additions or changes to the information provided. In view of the nature of the Internet and of computer systems we offer no guarantee of the continuous availability of the Analytik Jena Website.

c) The information on the Analytik Jena Website can contain specifications or general descriptions of technical features of products which may not always be available in individual cases (e.g. due to product changes). For this reason the desired performance features of products must be individually agreed upon purchase. We likewise only issue binding information, advice, recommendations or explanations within the scope of individual communication.

d) The information provided on the Analytik Jena Website constitutes neither an offer for the purchase of shares of Analytik Jena or other companies nor an invitation to buy or otherwise trade directly or indirectly with shares. Each decision to invest in shares of Analytik Jena must be made on the basis of the offering/listing prospectus approved by the company.

3. Obligations of the User

a) Information, brand names, images, logos and other contents of the Analytik Jena Website may not be altered, copied, duplicated, sold, leased, supplemented, commercially used or used for any other economic purpose or passed on to third parties without our prior written consent. Use is solely permitted for the purposes stated by us.

b) You are prohibited from the following when making use of the Analytik Jena Website:

  • Infringement of the personal rights of others, especially minors,
  • Breach of morality,
  • Infringement of industrial property rights, copyrights or other rights of ownership,
  • Transmission of contents with viruses, so-called Trojan horses or other programming that could damage software,
  • Placement of hyperlinks on the Analytik Jena Website without our prior written consent,
  • Any kind of advertising or the dispatch of so-called spam e-mails or bogus warnings of viruses/faults and
  • Invitations to take part in competitions or similar campaigns.

c) We can block your access to the Analytik Jena Website at any time, especially if you infringe the above-mentioned obligations.

4. Hyperlinks

Analytik Jena’s website contains links to external, third-party websites, over the contents of which we have no control. The individual providers and operators of the sites to which we link are responsible for the content on their pages. Analytik Jena assumes no responsibility for such content. At the time the links were generated, the corresponding pages were examined for possible infringements of law. No illegal content was apparent at the time. In the event that a link is found to violate any law, it will be immediately removed from Analytik Jena's website.

5. Liability for Defects in Title and Quality

We accept no liability for defects in title and quality concerning information posted free of charge on the Analytik Jena Website, in particular in terms of accuracy, freedom of errors, freedom from the property rights and copyrights of third parties, completeness and/or usability unless we act with intent or fraudulently.

6. Other Liability

Our liability for defects in title and quality is set out in section 5 of these conditions of use. We are otherwise only liable for damages arising directly or indirectly from use of the Analytik Jena Website in case of willful intent or gross negligence. However, this does not apply to violations of mandatory provisions of product liability law; injury to life, limb, or health; guarantees of quality or a breach of material contractual obligations. Damages for breach of material contractual obligations are, however, limited to a predictable amount typical for such agreements except in cases of intent or gross negligence. Material contract obligations are duties which have to be fulfilled in the first place in order for a contract to be duly implemented and where the contractual partner can regularly have confidence that they will be observed.

7. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

a) If the user is a businessman as defined by the German Commercial Code, the place of jurisdiction shall be Jena.

b) The use of our services and these conditions of use shall be governed by German law to the exception of the latter’s conflicting provisions.