EA Autosampler Series Convenient Automation
- Streamlined sample throughput
- Minimum operation effort and unattended 24/7 operation
- Less idle time, more efficient resource utilization, and increased lab profitability
- Highly precise analysis results due to optimal, uniform dosing process
- Significantly reduced effort for operation and sample preparation
- Enhanced operation comfort in analysis of demanding liquids
Autosampler for Elemental Analysis
- Enhanced lab efficiency, less idle time between analysis
- Enabling unattended and 24/7 operation
- Enhanced results quality due to maximum precision in sample dosing, elimination of operation mistakes
- Easy to use - software controlles operation, implemented self cleaning (for liquids sampler)
Title | Language | Info |
Brochure multi EA 5100 Elemental Analysis (EN) | en | PDF, 406 KB |
Broschüre compEAct (DE) | de | PDF, 364 KB |
Brochure compEAct (EN) | en | PDF, 359 KB |
Produktkatalog Chemische Analyse (DE) | de | PDF, 909 KB |
Product Guide Chemical Analysis (EN) | en | PDF, 886 KB |
Flyer Accessories for multi EA 5100 (EN) | en | PDF, 304 KB |
Flyer Zubehöre multi EA 5100 (DE) | de | PDF, 323 KB |
Broschüre multi EA 5100 Elementanalytik (DE) | de | PDF, 401 KB |
Multi-Matrix Sampler, suited for the automated introduction of up to 112 liquid or 35 solid samples in vertical and horizontal operation mode.
- Cost effcitive 4-in-1 automation solution suitale for in vertical and horizontal operation mode
- Flexible system configuration, accessory kits for dosing of solids/AOX (35 pos.), liquids/EOX (112 pos.), TOC (60 pos.), liquids with heating/cooling (112 pos.)
- Liquids up to 500 μL (direct injection by μL-syringe), solids up to 110 mg resp. AOX samples acc. batch and column method (boat dosing by gripper)
- Easy operation software -controlled, automatic recognition of present accessory kit
- High sample throughput
- Unlimited flexibility, upgradable at any later time by suited extension-kits
- Easy operation – direct injection of highly viscose liquids without dilution by heating option for tray and syringe
- Maximum safety and best results – cooling option for tray and syringe ensure safe and complete dosing of very light volatile liquids
- Reduced maintenance effort – automatic rinsing cycles with sample and pure solvent, sealed niveau vessel for waste disposal
Temperature-controllable liquids sampler, suited for the automated introduction of up to 112 liquid in vertical and horizontal operation mode.
- Smart multi-purpose automation solution for liquids
- Unlimited flexibility and ease of use due to temperature controllable sample tray and dosing syringes
- Faster processing of challenging liquids – direct injection of highly viscose samples without dilution by heating option
- Maximum safety and best results – safe and complete dosing of very light volatile liquids by cooling option
- Reduced maintenance effort – automatic rinsing cycles with sample and pure solvent, sealed niveau vessel for waste disposal
- Flexible system extension for automated dosing od solids/ AOX samples (35 pos.) in horizontal opertaion mode
- Easy operation software-controlled, automatic recognition of present accessory kit
LS 1
Liquids sampler, suited for the automated introduction of up to 18 samples with compEAct analysis sytems. Ideal solution for comfortable processig of small sample batches.
- Precise dosing of up to 100 µL
- Injection speed and volumes adaptable in 1 µL-steps by operator
- Accelerated throughput speed
- Easy operation – automatic rinsing cycles with sample and pure solvent, sealed waste vessel
LS 2
Liquids sampler, suited for the automated introduction of up to 120 samples with compEAct analysis sytems. Ideal solution for high throughput applications in industrial QC routine and contract analysis.
- Precise dosing of up to 100 µL
- Injection speed and volumes adaptable in 1 µL-steps by operator
- Accelerated throughput speed
- Easy operation – automatic rinsing cycles with sample and pure solvent, sealed waste vessel
Temperature-controllable liquids sampler, suited for the automated introduction of up to 112 liquids in with compEAct analyzers.
- Smart multi-purpose automation solution for liquids
- Unlimited flexibility and ease of use due to temperature controllable sample tray and dosing syringes
- Faster processing of challenging liquids – direct injection of highly viscose samples without dilution by heating option
- Maximum safety and best results – safe and complete dosing of very light volatile liquids by cooling option
- Reduced maintenance effort – automatic rinsing cycles with sample and pure solvent, sealed niveau vessel for waste disposal
- Easy operation software-controlled
FPG 48
Solids sampler for up to 48 samples in ceramic (C/S and TOC analysis) resp. quartz sample boats (Cl analysis) with multi EA 4000 systems.
- Suitable for automation of C/S and Cl analysis and the determination of environmelntal-important sum parameters – TOC/TC/TIC, EC/OC/RC/BOC
- Sample masses up to 3 grams
- Optional function for automated disposal of consumed ceramic sample boats
- Flame sensor option for Cl analsis of organic materials – automatic optimization of combustion process to prevent soot formation and low quality results
- Easy operation software-controlled
FPG 48 solid autosampler
Solids autosampler for multi EA 4000
Order number: 450-126.574
Liquids sampler LS 1
Liquids autosampler for small sample series for compEAct
Order number: 450-900.450
Liquids sampler LS 2
Liquids autosampler for high throughput applications for compEAct
Order number: 450-900.451
LS-T temperature controlled sampler
Temperature-controllable liquids autosampler for compEAct
Order number: 450-900.452
MMS-T temperature-controlled autosampler
Temperature-controllable liquids autosampler for multi EA 5100
Order number: 450-900.453
Multi Matrix Sampler - MMS
Versatile multi-matrix autosampler for liquids, solids, TOC, AOX and EOX samples for multi EA 5100
Order number: 450-300.030
Order Information
Order number | Description |
450-126.574 | FPG 48 solids autosampler for multi EA 4000 |
450-900.450 | Liquids sampler LS 1 |
450-900.451 | Liquids sampler LS 2 |
450-900.452 | LS-T temperature controlled sampler |
450-900.453 | MMS-T temperature-controlled autosampler |
450-300.030 | Multi Matrix Sampler - MMS |
100 µL special syringe for LS 1 / LS 2
Accessory syringe for high sample volume applications
Order number: 402-300.016
Boat deposition station for FPG 48
Accessory for FPG 48 autosampler - automated deposition of consumed ceramic boats
Order number: 450-889.728
Country kit Australia *
Order number: 450-300.011-AU
Country kit China *
Order number: 450-300.011-CN
Country kit EU accessory *
Order number: 450-300.011-EU2
Country kit Swiss accessory *
Order number: 450-300.011-CH2
Country kit UK basic units and accessories *
Order number: 450-300.011-GB
Flame sensor FPG 48
Extension option for FPG 48 - for safe and controlled pyrolysis and combustion of organiv materials in Cl analysis
Order number: 450-889.713
Liquids kit for MMS 5100
Accessory for MMS 5100 - for dosing of liquid samples
Order number: 450-300.033
Quartz boats multi EA 4000 Cl
Order number: 402-889.714
Solids kit T for MMS T
Accessory for MMS-T - for dosing of solids, highly viscose liquids, and AOX samples
Order number: 450-900.454
Interface cable for accessories
Order number: 702-889.090
Liquids kit "TMP" for MMS 5100
Accessory for MMS 5100 - with cooling option for safe and quantitative dosing of very light volatile liquids and heating option for comfortable and troublefree dosing of viscous liquids
Order number: 450-300.031
Boat sensor for MMS and autoX 112 sampler
Accessory for MMS and autoX - ensures trouble-free routine operation in AOX and solids analysis
Order number: 450-889.204
Ceramic boats for HT furnace
Order number: 402-886.118
Solids kit for MMS
Accessory for MMS and autoX 112 - for automated dosing of solids, highly viscous liquids and AOX samples
Order number: 450-300.034
TOC kit for MMS
Accessory for MMS - enables automatic determination of TC and NPOC contents in wastewater analysis
Order number: 450-300.035
Cover for multi matrix sampler
Accessory for Multi Matrix Sampler - prevention of sample loss and contamination effects in solids/AOX analysis
Order number: 450-900.408
Adjustment tool for solids rack
Order number: 402-889.837
Country kit USA accessory
Order number: 450-300.011-US2
* necessary to operate
Order number | Name |
402-886.118 | Ceramic boats for HT furnace |
402-889.182 | Cleaning wires for µL-syringes |
402-823.079 | Removable needles for 50 and 100 µL syringes |
402-300.016 | 100 µL special syringe for LS 1 / LS 2 |
402-300.001 | 50 µL special syringe for LS 1 / LS 2 |
402-889.714 | Quartz boats multi EA 4000 Cl |
402-300.106 | Syringe 100 µL , temperature-controllable |
402-300.105 | Syringe 50 µL , temperature-controllable |
402-889.092 | Sample vials 2 mL |
402-889.091 | Set snap caps for 2 mL sample vials |
402-889.837 | Adjustment tool for solids rack |
402-889.039 | Adsorption material for boat combustion |
450-889.302 | Consumables & spare parts kit for Autosampler LS 1 / LS 2 |
450-889.306 | Consumables & spare parts kit for liquids autosampler MMS |
402-823.056 | Needles, I.D. 0.35 mm for syringes |
402-889.674 | Quartz sample boats 40 x 9 mm |
402-889.673 | Quartz sample boats with downholder 40 x 9 mm |
402-812.374 | Replacement screw for autosampler |
402-886.318 | Sample vials, 8 mL, without lids, 18 x 50 mm |
402-889.206 | Septum for solvent vessel |
402-889.557 | Set sealing disks , 17 mm |
402-889.534 | Syringe 100 µL for MMS |
402-889.594 | Syringe 250 µL with vent |
402-889.533 | Syringe 50 µL for MMS |
402-889.593 | Syringe 500 µL with vent |
402-886.248 | Waste hose for autosampler |
Title | Language | Info |
Brochure compEAct (EN) | English | PDF, 359 KB |
Brochure multi EA 5100 Elemental Analysis (EN) | English | PDF, 406 KB |
Broschüre compEAct (DE) | German | PDF, 364 KB |
Broschüre multi EA 5100 Elementanalytik (DE) | German | PDF, 401 KB |
Flyer Accessories for multi EA 5100 (EN) | English | PDF, 304 KB |
Flyer Zubehöre multi EA 5100 (DE) | German | PDF, 323 KB |
Operating Manual MMS-T (DE) | German | PDF, 7 MB |
Operating Manual MMS-T (EN) | English | PDF, 7 MB |
Operating Manual MMS-T (ES) | Spanish | PDF, 7 MB |
Operating Manual MMS-T (FR) | French | PDF, 7 MB |
Operating Manual MMS-T (RU) | Russian | PDF, 7 MB |
Product Guide Chemical Analysis (EN) | English | PDF, 886 KB |
Produktkatalog Chemische Analyse (DE) | German | PDF, 909 KB |
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