smart Blood DNA Midi prep (a)

smart Blood DNA Midi prep (a)


  • Efficient extraction of DNA from PBMC’s (Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells) using fresh or frozen whole blood
  • Suitable for all common stabilizers: EDTA, citrate and heparin
  • Based on SmartExtraction technology for easy automation without any additional tools needed
  • Optimized for InnuPure® systems, GeneTheatre, CyBio® FeliX
  • Isolation of high molecular DNA with a yield up to 90 μg from 3 ml whole blood
  • Inclusive pre-filled Reagent Strips or Plates for simple handling and a minimum number of working steps

Product Info

The smart Blood DNA Midi prep (a) is based on the unique SmartExtraction technology and allows an easy automation of DNA extraction from up to 3 ml of whole blood. Initially erythrocytes are lysed and PBMC’s are collected for further preparation. Pre-filled, sealed Reagent Plastics simplifies handling enormously and can be applied on InnuPure® systems, GeneTheatre or CyBio® FeliX directly. Additional tools are not necessary. Possible shearing effects on DNA are reduced to an absolute minimum due to the special SmartExtraction pipette tips, which contains modified surfaces for efficient binding of nucleic acids. Finally high DNA yields (up to 90 μg from 3 ml whole blood) with high molecular weight (up to 500 kbp) can be isolated. An excellent quality ensures the direct application in further downstream analyses.

Order Info

Order number 




16 reactions, Reagent Strips,
1 reaction per Strip

InnuPure® C16, GeneTheatre, CyBio® FeliX


96 reactions, Reagent Strips,
1 reaction per Strip

InnuPure® C16, GeneTheatre, CyBio® FeliXen/lab-automation/products-lab-automation/liquid-handling/cybior-felix.html?utm_source=CyBioFelix_en_smart-blood-dna-midi-prep&utm_medium=AJ-Website&utm_campaign=CyBio-FeliX


16 reactions, Reagent Plates, 8 reactions per Plate

InnuPure® C16, GeneTheatre, CyBio® FeliXen/lab-automation/products-lab-automation/liquid-handling/cybior-felix.html?utm_source=CyBioFelix_en_smart-blood-dna-midi-prep&utm_medium=AJ-Website&utm_campaign=CyBio-FeliX


96 reactions, Reagent Plates, 8 reactions per Plate

InnuPure® C16, GeneTheatre, CyBio® FeliX


1 x 96 reactions, Reagent Plates

InnuPure® C96, CyBio® FeliX


Starting material:

  • Whole blood samples of 0.5 to 3 ml
  • Fresh or frozen blood
  • Stabilizers: EDTA, citrate or heparin

Average yield:

Depends on sample and used volume

  • 0.5 ml whole blood: approx. 5 – 15 μg gDNA
  • 1.0 ml whole blood: approx. 15 – 30 μg gDNA
  • 2.0 ml whole blood: approx. 40 – 70 μg gDNA
  • 3.0 ml whole blood: approx. 50 – 90 μg gDNA

Extraction time:

  • Lysis of erythrocytes: approx. 20 min.
  • Automatic processing: approx. 40 to 90 minutes (depending on protocol and device)


1.7 – 2.0


200 – 500 μl Elution Buffer


SmartExtraction - We Change the Way to Prep

Nucleic acid isolation and purification are among the most widespread laboratory methods worldwide. Analytik Jena's innovative “SmartExtraction” technology is a global innovation in nucleic acid extraction.

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