smart Blood DNA Midi Direct prep (a)



  • Fully automated isolation of genomic DNA from whole blood samples up to 1 ml
  • Based on the unique SmartExtraction technology
  • Isolation of high-molecular weight DNA up to 500 kbp
  • Efficient 2-step-lysis starts with collection of DNA carrying cells followed by cell digestion using the extraction automat
  • Including protocols for InnuPure® C16 or C16 touch, InnuPure® C96, GeneTheatre (external lysis), and CyBio® FeliX
  • Ready-to-use kit with pre-filled, sealed Reagent Plastics for easiest setup

Product Info

smart Blood DNA Midi Direct prep (a) is a platform independent kit for extraction of genomic DNA from up to 1 ml whole blood samples. Pre-filled, sealed Reagent Strips or Reagent Plates can be used with InnuPure® C16 or C16 touchas well as with InnuPure® C96, GeneTheatre and CyBio® FeliX. The innovative 2-step-lysis, consisting of collecting DNA carrying cells and digestion, as well as all following purification steps are fully automated on the liquid handling platform of choice. The pre-installed routines in combination with the unique SmartExtraction pipette tip allow for isolation of high molecular weight DNA with excellent yield and purity. The Smart Modified Surfaces within the 1 ml tip guarantee highest binding capacity and avoid clumping, that often occur by using magnetic particles.

Order Info

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16 reactions, Reagent Strips,
1 reaction per Strip® C16,CyBio® FeliX


96 reactions, Reagent Strips,
1 reaction per Strip

InnuPure® C16, CyBio® FeliX


16 reactions, Reagent Plates, 8 reactions per plate

InnuPure® C16, CyBio® FeliX


96 reactions, Reagent Plates, 8 reactions per plate

InnuPure® C16, CyBio® FeliX


1 x 96 reactions, Reagent Plates

InnuPure® C96, CyBio® FeliX


Starting material:

  • Whole blood samples of 0.2 to 1 ml
  • Fresh or frozen blood
  • Stabilizers: EDTA, citrate or heparin

Average yield:

Depends on sample and used volume

  • 0.5 ml whole blood: approx. 5 – 15 μg gDNA
  • 1.0 ml whole blood: approx. 15 – 30 μg gDNA

Extraction time:

Automatic processing: approx. 80 to 165 minutes (depending on pro-tocol and device)


1.7 – 2.0


200 μl – 500 μl Elution Buffer


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(e.g. Manual, Short Manual)


SmartExtraction - We Change the Way to Prep

Nucleic acid isolation and purification are among the most widespread laboratory methods worldwide. Analytik Jena's innovative “SmartExtraction” technology is a global innovation in nucleic acid extraction.

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