innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit - FX

Ready-to-use application for extraction of viral DNA and RNA in parallel

Product Details

  • Automated application based on CyBio Felix
  • Nucleic acid extraction from up to 96 samples
  • Optimized for serum and plasma
  • Flexible application: protocol for 200 µl and 400 µl sample volumes
  • Best yields of high purity DNA and RNA

The innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit-FX has been designed for automated and simultaneous extraction of both viral DNA and RNA from serum or plasma samples. The extraction protocol is established on CyBio FeliX based on sample volumes of 200 µl or 400 µl. Based on the reliable magnetic separation upon nucleic acid binding to magnetic particles up to 96 samples can be processed in parallel. Moreover, the extraction procedure is based on the Dual-Chemistry (DC) technology patented by Analytik Jena. The procedure starts with the lysis of the starting material. After washing steps the nucleic acid is eluted from the magnetic particles with RNase-free water. Resulting viral DNA and RNA are maximum in yield and quality and can be used for downstream applications like standard or real-time PCR. To verify the extraction process the kit contains a Carrier Mix composed of Carrier RNA, Internal Control DNA (IC DNA) and RNA (IC RNA).
In order to minimize manual preparation steps for this kit the innuPREP Prefilling Set (OL3317-25-127) offers the possibility of automated prefilling of all Deep Well Plates with respective buffers and reagents by the CyBio FeliX.

Please note: In order to meet the current enormous increase in demand for extraction kits and the associated global shortage of resources an alternative  kit specially designed for isolating viral RNA from respiratory swab samples  is available.


Starting material

  • Up to 400 µl sample volume
  • Serum
  • Plasma

Average yield

  • Depending on sample quality/quantity

Extraction time

  • Up to 200 µl: 62 min
  • Up to 400 µl: 73 min

Average purity

1.8 – 2.0

Order Information

Order numberQuantity
845-FX-209609696 reactions
845-FX-2096480480 reactions
This kit can only be used in CyBio FeliX using the CyBio Extraction Set.
OL5015-25-120                                    CyBio Extraction Set
(includes: 1x CyBio Felix head R 96/1000 µl, incl. protective magazine; 3x CyBio RoboTipTray 1-96/1000 µl for Head R 96/1000 µl; 3x holder; 97 mm height; 1x 8 channel adapter for CyBio Felix head R 96/1000 µl incl. holder; 37 mm height; 1x CyBio FeliX gripper incl. holder; 37 mm height; 1x magnetic adapter Magnum FLX Enhanced; 1x BioShake 3000-T elm, incl. adapter for deep well plates; 1x waste box; 1x tip converter 96/1000 µl; 1x tip rack 96/1000 µl; control accessories (cable, USB hub, adapter))


Manual innuPREP Virus DNA/RNA Kit-FX

Open PDF


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Automated DNA/RNA Extraction with the CyBio FeliX

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Comparison of Virus versus Virus TS 2.0 - FX kits

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