innuPREP Plant DNA Kit IPC16

innuPREP AniPath DNA/RNA Kit – IPC16

Best yields of high purity DNA and RNA already approved for PCV2, SBV, KSP, PRRS, ASP, HCV and Lawrow bacteria

Product Details

  • One kit for everything: broad spectrum of starting material ranging from cell-free body fluids to whole blood and fecal samples
  • Pre-filled kit for extraction of bacterial DNA and viral DNA or RNA in parallel
  • Automated extraction of up to 16 samples using the InnuPure C16 touch
  • Ideal suited for usage in veterinary diagnostics

The innuPREP AniPath DNA/RNA Kit – IPC16 is designed for the automated extraction of both bacterial DNA and viral DNA or RNA by using the InnuPure C16 touch. The kit is suitable for a broad spectrum of starting material ranging from cell culture supernatant, cell-free body fluids and whole blood as well as fecal samples, swabs and other relevant material. The kit is based on a patented extraction chemistry and provides best yields of pure nucleic acids accompanied by an accelerated procedure.

Pre-filled reagent strips or plates reduce required manual steps and thereby minimize the risk of errors. After binding to surface-modified and multiple wash steps nucleic acids are eluted with RNase-free water. The resulting DNA/RNA can directly be used in subsequent downstream applications such as qPCR. To verify the extraction process the kit contains a Carrier Mix composed of Carrier RNA, Internal Control DNA (IC DNA) and RNA (IC RNA). 
As an alternative to the standard, prefilled, sealed extraction kits for InnuPure C16 touch, corresponding lower-cost non-filled kit variants are also available. These kits also contain all the plastics and reagents required for extraction.


Starting material

  • Cell culture supernatant, cell-free body fluids (up to 400 µl)
  • Whole blood (up to 400 µl)
  • Fecal samples (50-100 mg)
  • Swabs
  • Organ tissue, e.g. spleen, brain, tonsils, lungs, lymph nodes (5-10 mg)

Average yield

  • Depending on sample quality/quantity

Extraction time

  • 84 min

Elution volume

20-500 µl

Order Information

Order number   Quantity
845-IPP-801601616 Reactions, 8 reactions per plate
845-IPP-801609696 Reactions, 8 reactions per plate
845-IPP-8016480480 Reactions, 8 reactions per plate
845-PPP-801601616 Reactions, 8 reactions per plate (non-filled)
845-PPP-801609696 Reactions, 8 reactions per plate (non-filled)
845-PPP-8016480480 Reactions, 8 reactions per plate (non-filled)
Note: Prefilled reagent strips and reagent plates can be used in parallel with the InnuPure C16 touch

The below mentioned products are available on request only. Please get in contact with us via the down standing contact form.

Order number   Quantity
845-IPS-801601616 Reactions, 1 reaction per strip
845-IPS-801609696 Reactions, 1 reaction per strip
Note: Prefilled reagent strips and reagent plates can be used in parallel with the InnuPure C16 touch

What Our Customers Say

"The innuPREP AniPath kit can be easily used for almost all forensically relevant trace carriers."

Dr. Jan-Hendrik Modrow, Head of Veterinary Forensics at ForGen, Hamburg

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Manual innuPREP AniPath DNA/RNA Kit – IPC16

Open PDF

SDS innuPREP AniPath DNA/RNA Kit - IPC16.pdf

Open PDF

Manual innuPREP AniPath DNA/RNA Kit – IPC16 (non-filled)

Open PDF

SDS innuPREP AniPath DNA/RNA Kit - IPC16, non-filled.pdf

Open PDF

Comparison of standard and non-filled kits

Open PDF

Complete PCR-based Detection Workflow of SARS-CoV-2 in Wastewater (EN)

Application Note

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