Partner Interview CCS Services Russia

Top Analysis and Top Service for the Russian-Speaking Laboratory Market

CCS Services is a well-known and highly trusted instrumentation provider in Russia and adjacent regions. The company supplies top laboratories in Russia, Kazakhstan, the Ukraine and adjacent regions with analytical equipment. For over 30 years, the company has stood for the best laboratory analysis and closest proximity to customers in its market. Nikolai Sibeldine, CEO of CCS Services, explains in our interview how the distributor expanded its portfolio with analytical instrumentation technology from Analytik Jena a few years ago, thereby strengthening its customer orientation.

Who is CCS Services and what makes your company stand out?
CCS Services is one of the most experienced specialists for analytical instrumentation and vacuum technology in the Russian-speaking market. We have developed the company out of a marketplace for analytical instruments that already existed in Soviet times. Our employees know the Russian market very well, have maintained very close contacts with our customers for decades, and are proven experts in their respective technological fields. Proximity to our customers and fast availability are particularly important to us. Our goal is to provide our customers with the best equipment and support there is and we work hard every day to do so.

Which products do you sell in your markets?
CCS Services specializes in instruments for chemical analysis and vacuum technology. We offer analytical equipment for the laboratory as well as portable systems. Analytik Jena is our most important partner for spectrometry, spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. Our Analytik Jena portfolio includes the PlasmaQuant MS and PlasmaQuant 9100 ICP-MS and ICP-OES series, the atomic spectrometers of the contrAA 800 and novAA 800 series, the Zeeman spectrometer ZEEnit 650/750 and the mercur DUO Plus mercury analyzer. We also distribute the multi N/C TOC analyzers, the UV/Vis spectrophotometers of the SPECORD series, the multi X 2500 AOX analyzer and the elemental analyzers multi EA 5100 and multi EA 4000.

How did you first become aware of Analytik Jena?
We have been following the development of Analytik Jena since its beginning. The instruments have a very good reputation in the market and stand for top engineering and high performance. The company is well known in Russia and neighboring regions.

How did the cooperation finally come about?
About five years ago we were looking for an instrument partner for a project in Kazakhstan. In the past, we have worked with many other larger manufacturers of spectroscopic instruments, but the human component and product support usually fell by the wayside. A direct connection and fast reaction times are therefore very important for us today in our cooperations. A friendly instrumentation provider in Italy, who has been working very successfully with Analytik Jena for many years, recommended Analytik Jena to us and then helped established contact. CCS Service and Analytik Jena decided to partner for the project in Kazakhstan. It went fantastic, and we then decided to enter into a long-term partnership. 

What is special about the partnership?
The human component and proximity to the customer. This is very unique. Analytik Jena has a highly committed team that takes excellent and personal care of our customers. If a customer has a question or a challenge to overcome, Analytik Jena is quickly to reach, will systematically approach the issue and find solutions fast. The Analytik Jena team welcomes every challenge and works very closely with us and our customers. This is very well received in the market. Our customers are delighted, and of course so are we. 

What advantages do Analytik Jena’s instruments have for your customers?
Analytik Jena's instruments are technically very high quality and offer many functions that make everyday laboratory work easier. The instruments’ features are unique and offer customers reliable results and robust methods. In addition, the devices can be highly individualized. In this way, the devices can be optimized to meet the specific requirements of the customers. Our technology-affine customers love the multitude of features and the high-quality engineering work that goes into each product. 

Thank you for the Interview.

About CCS Services

CCS Services is a close partner of Analytik Jena. The company developed out of an analytical instrumentation marketplace and today sells instruments for chemical analysis and vacuum technology in Russia and neighboring regions. CCS Service serves more than one thousand laboratory customers, has offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazakhstan, and maintains an extensive network of representatives and distributors in countries such as Belarus, Uzbekistan, and the Ukraine.
