innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit

innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit


  • Fast, direct isolation of genomic DNA from whole blood samples of up to 400 μl
  • High yields of up to 30 μg and extremely high-quality gDNA, depending on the sample and the amount used
  • CE-IVD certified
  • 2 protocols: < 200 μl and up to 400 μl blood sampls
  • Tested for EDTA and citrate stabilized and for fresh or frozen blood sample (including long time storage)
  • Based on patented Dual-Chemistry-(DC-) Technology®

For German sales, an IvD certified product for this starting material is available.

Product Info

The new innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit is a highly efficient tool for directly isolating DNA from whole blood samples of up to 400 μl. The new optimized Kit for extraction of DNA from blood guarantees extremely high-quality DNA that can be used immediately for photometric determinations, PCR or other downstream applications.
The innuPREP Blood DNA Mini Kit is very fast and easy to use. Isolation of genomic DNA – free of inhibitors or impurities – can be completed in just 24 minutes. The kit is also CE-IVD certified and has already undergone successful testing: genomic DNA has been isolated from whole blood samples and then used in subsequent diagnostic applications.

Order Info

Order Number



10 reactions


50 reactions


250 reactions


Starting material:

  • Whole blood samples (up to 400 µl)
  • Fresh or frozen blood
  • Stabilizers: EDTA or citrate

Extraction time:

Approx. 24 minutes, including lysis

Binding capacity:

Column binding capacity: > 50 µg gDNA

Average yield:

  • Depends on sample and the used volume
  • Up to 30 µg gDNA

Average purity:

1.7 – 2.0

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