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Analytik Jena’s 8th “Analytical Days” Are a Great Success
Jena, June 25, 2015 — Analytik Jena AG hosted its eighth “Analytical Days” conference at the Jena University of Applied Sciences and at the company’s headquarters in Jena. Over 100 equipment users and other interested parties, from both research and industry have met with analytical measuring experts at this event for an exclusive and intensive exchange of information and experience.
As Irene Richardt-Brauer of the Institute of Environmental Technology and Energy Economics of the Hamburg-Harburg University of Technology (TUHH) put it: “I enjoy the diverse nature of the “Analytical Days”. I was able to present my work at the event with my presentation on Lead and Antimony Taken from the Soil of Shooting Ranges, and was able to discuss the topic with other experts in the field. The event brought many new aspects on the subject to my attention and my discussions with others expanding my horizons. I would like to come back next time.” The two-day conference features experts from institutions such as the Leibniz Institute for Analytical Sciences, Sigma Aldrich GmbH, Landeslabor (State Laboratory) Berlin-Brandenburg, Deutsches Brennstoffinstitut (German Fuel Institute), and the University of Hohenheim, in addition to product specialists at Analytik Jena AG, in a varied program with practically oriented talks, discussions, workshops, and equipment demonstrations.
“The Analytical Days event is a good opportunity for us to find out what our customers need, and gear our products and solutions to their wishes,” explained Maik Schmidt, general manager for sales at Analytik Jena AG‘s Analytical Instrumentation business unit. The product specialists appeared at six different workshops e.g. on mass and atomic absorption spectrometry, optical emissions spectrometry, and elementary and sum parameter analysis. They provided their expertise on the use of the equipment and launched into intensive discussions and exchanges with the other participants.
Schmidt added that they were very happy about the “great resonance among the participants, their interest in a mutual exchange of expertise and their wish for another such event – and the 9th Analytical Days event is already being planned.”

Analytik Jena AG hosted its eighth “Analytical Days” conference at the Jena University of Applied Sciences.