Extraordinary General Meeting of Analytik Jena AG Passes Resolution on Squeeze-out

23.02.2016 | Nouveautés

Jena (Germany), February 23, 2016 — The extraordinary General Meeting called by Analytik Jena AG, which was held in Jena today at the corporate headquarters, approved with a majority vote to transfer the shares of the minority shareholders of the Company to the majority shareholder, Endress+Hauser (Germany) AG+Co. KG (Endress+Hauser). In total, 99.47 % of the share capital represented voted in favor of the resolution. In the course of the squeeze-out process, Endress+Hauser will acquire any outstanding shares of Analytik Jena AG in exchange for an appropriate cash settlement in the amount of EUR 13.68 per no-par value share of Analytik Jena AG in accordance with section 327a et seqq. of the AktG (German Public Companies Act).

Endress+Hauser today announced the increase of the initial cash settlement of EUR 12.55 per Analytik Jena share to EUR 13.68 per Analytik Jena share. This decision was made because the base interest rate used to calculate the cash settlement decreased from 1.50% to 1.25% between December 22, 2015, the date the level of cash payment was set, and today, which is the settlement date for the company valuation. An additional reason for this change is that valuation adjustments in relation to the possible sale of the Optics business unit were carried out.

At todayʼs extraordinary General Meeting, 7, 403,150 shares with the same number of votes were represented of Analytik Jena AG’s share capital of EUR 7,655,697 at the time of the vote. This corresponds to 96.70% of the Company’s share capital.

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