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Analytik Jena Employees Donate to Jena Association “Hilfe vor Ort”

31.05.2016 | Nouveautés

Jena, Germany, May 30, 2016 — Analytik Jena AG donated a total of EUR 1,200 to the Association Hilfe vor Ort (Help on Location). Cash donations were collected from company employees as part of a bake sale held at company headquarters and planned expressly as a fund raiser for this organization. The Analytik Jena AG Executive Board generously rounded up the final sum donated.

“It’s a really sensible initiative of our employees that we absolutely and gladly support,” says Analytik Jena Director of Human Resources Grit Petzholdt-Gühne. “The work of Hilfe vor Ort e.v. in Jena has drawn our interest for some time now. It’s impressive how the team of engaged social workers and educational researchers who work there accomplish so much with so few resources. The association especially offers effective support for families facing problems, particularly in education. It does so in uncomplicated and individual ways. Our donation is going to the right place.”

Analytik Jena AG gets involved every year with social causes. In 2015 alone, the company raised around EUR 100 thousand for donations. In addition, the Analytik Jena employees have the chance every year to get involved with volunteering, for example, recently with helping refugees. The commitment shown goes wholly toward social institutions, organizations or associations in the region.

A really sensible initiative of our employees — Analytik Jena employees donate to Jena association “Hilfe vor Ort”.

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