
“If You Want to Learn to Swim, You Need to Go into the Water”*

Theory and practice may be two very different animals — but to make good progress on the road to professional life, you need both, no matter what. One thing is sure: No textbook or lecture can replace what you can learn at our company.

We offer you the chance to balance your theoretical knowledge with practice, make new connections accessible to you — and at the same time we are excited about the current academic knowledge that you have and will contribute. In addition, through practical experience and by making contacts in the working world, you improve your chances on the job market.

In an internship, you gain valuable insights into everyday work. However, as budding professionals, you are of course not just observers, but are already included in exciting, ambitious projects, according to your abilities and strengths. You learn to structure tasks, take on responsibility and work in a team — virtues that are in demand in every profession, regardless of what you choose to do later on.You're planning a Bachelor or Master's thesis with strong practical relevance? Even then, Analytik Jena is the right contact. Ask us!

*Quote: August Bebel


Maria Sophie Möhring

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