Young Professionals

Get on, Get off

You have invested a lot of work in your studies, created a solid basis and would now like to finally really get started? You know what you want? Good. Because we know as well — we want you. As a globally operating company in a growth market, we are always looking for qualified and highly motivated career entrants that can bring our company forward with their expertise, knowledge and personality.

In return, we offer you exciting tasks and outstanding future prospects.Stagnation is a foreign word at Analytik Jena — that applies to the product range and services as well as our HR policy. With graduate vocational training and courses, we see to it that your potential can develop in an ideal fashion with us. For this reason, the place you get on is far from the last stop. The future has only just begun.

You can also contact us directly and find out about individual opportunities at our company.


Maria Sophie Möhring

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