Water Analysis
- Monitoring of surface waters, e.g., lakes, rivers, and seas
- Quality analysis of raw and tap water by utility companies
- Pool water at leisure and spa facilities
We support you in supplying high-quality drinking and process water by means of specific measurement routines. For this purpose, we offer customer-specific and standards-compliant measuring methods.
Achieve reliable results
- Minimal detection limits to exceed regulation requirements
- Intelligent hardware and software for high method flexibility
- Automatic method recognition
- High matrix tolerance (e.g., for sea water)
Simplify your workflow and increase your efficiency
- Flexible automation options adapted to your workload
- Minimal effort required for sample preparation
- Matrix-specific method optimization done by our support
- Low maintenance, simple and fast setup changes
- Automated process control (Self Check System)
Analyze with us
- Total organic carbon and total bound nitrogen
TOC/TNb - Adsorbable organic halogens, total halogens, and extractable organic halogens
AOX - Organic fluorine compounds (AOF, EOF)
AAS - Minerals and metals
UV/Vis - Elements down to ultra-trace range
AAS, ICP-OES, ICP-MS - Minimal mercury concentrations
ICP-MS, CV-AAS/AFS - Microbial parameters
Nucleic acid extraction kits, (real-time) thermal cycler
Our devices offer measuring routines that are geared towards real-life practice as well as high sensitivity to help you achieve reliable and precise analysis results. Easily monitor drinking water, ground water, surface water, and pool water to help you meet or even exceed common standards and regulations.
Exclusive e-book: Water and wastewater analysis
Our exclusive e-book offers a comprehensive overview of methods and solutions for water and wasterwater monitoring - from UV/Vis spectroscopy, sum parameter analysis to elemental analysis and microbiological testing.
Water pathogen detection
Discover simplified and reliable ways for the detection of water-based pathogens. Learn wich indicators Analytik Jena solutions are ideal for and how effiecient biological water testing can be done.
Monitoring drinking water for trace elements with ICP-OES
The approach presented in this application example describes the analysis of minerals and trace elements in drinking water with a standard ICP-OES setup. Thanks to this method laboratories are even able to handle addional parameters in local or regional drinking water monitoring regulations. For example the detection of trace uranium is a required parameter for drinking water in Germany due to some deposits in local geological formations.
EOF - a new screening parameter for surface water
EOF is a new screening parameter for organically bound fluorine in surface water. In our web seminar we present a sensitive screening method of extractable organically bound fluorine (EOF) as sum parameter in surface waters combining solid phase extraction (SPE) and molecular absorption spectrometry (MAS) which enables a fast monitoring of the pollution.
Applications water analysis
Determination of Extractable Organically Bound Fluorine (EOF) in Surface Water
Application Note
Open PDFSpurenanalyse toxischer Elemente in Oberflächen- und Trinkwasser mit kombinierten AAS-Techniken
Application Note
Open PDFTrace Analysis of Toxic Elements in Surface and Drinking Water by Combined AAS Techniques
Application Note
Open PDFDetermination of Hg in Environmental Waters Using the PlasmaQuant MS Elite (English)
Application Note
Open PDFSpeed Up Your Work – High-throughput Analysis of Drinking Water with ICP-MS (English)
Application Note
Open PDFDetermination of Adsorbable Organic Halogens in Highly Saline Water Samples after Solid Phase Extraction (SPE-AOX)
Application Note
Open PDFTOC-Wiederfindung in partikelhaltigen Proben mit dem Cellulose-Test nach DIN EN 1484
Application Note
Open PDFTOC Recovery in Particle-Containing Samples with the Cellulose Test According to DIN EN 1484
Application Note
Open PDFBestimmung der Konzentration mithilfe einer Kalibrierkurve – am Beispiel von Tensid- Messungen nach PD CLC/TS 50677:2019
Application Note
Open PDFDetermination of Concentration by Means of a Calibration Curve – Exemplified by Surfactant Measurements According to PD CLC/TS 50677:2019
Application Note
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