About Us Our passion is your success. We are only satisfied when you are successful.
The company Analytik Jena
The big picture becomes clear when examining the smaller connections. Only those who dedicate themselves to details – particles and structures that elude our perception – will come to terms with the complexity of our modern world. We develop efficient solutions to the most pressing analytical issues of our time and support users in all phases of analysis as a capable solution provider.
Success is usually found off the beaten path
Our technologies, our industry expertise
Our high performance analysis instruments are used whenever precision and reliability are required. Whether it is water analysis, environmental monitoring, health care, or quality control, our devices guarantee that strict standards have been maintained. We meet the individual needs of our customers and their fields of application with a range of products spanning numerous technologies. In addition, in-depth industry knowledge is used to shape the development of the products and technology of tomorrow.
Our passion, our employees
Personal commitment, excellence, sustainability, and friendliness – we are driven by our values. Our employees belong to an expert team that spans the entire globe. Across geographic, linguistic, and cultural borders, they work together on a single mission: Creating excellent customer value on a sustainable basis. We have never contented ourselves with following trends – we define the standards of the future. This is why only the best specialists work at Analytik Jena: ambitious, motivated, and highly technically qualified. Anyone who is enthusiastic about our ideas and possesses the proper expertise is in the right place at Analytik Jena.
“Our goal is to achieve sustainable and outstanding customer value. We are only satisfied when you are successful. The ambition we set for ourselves pays off for our customers in the end.”
Ulrich Krauss, CEO
At home in many different worlds The best solution for your applications in your industry, worldwide.
What we stand for
Our vision
We are part of a successful family company. When it comes to lab analysis, customers around the world place their confidence in our products, solutions, and services to improve their products as well as the quality of life and the environment in the long term.
Our mission
With our state-of-the-art analysis, we support our customers in both industry and research to improve their products and to achieve scientific excellence.
Our values
What our customers say
Analytik Jena within the Endress+Hauser Group
Combined competencies in analysis
As a global leader in process automation, Endress+Hauser has been a solid and reliable partner for Analytik Jena. In the area of Analysis, our parent company follows a strategy with two lines of attack: Firstly, Endress+Hauser aims to develop the lab analysis market in order to expand the base of its business; secondly, it aims to more intensively introduce modern analytical procedures to the process technology systems of its customers, and thus to deepen established core business.
Analytik Jena around the world
Close to the customer – for us, this means being present worldwide. As a company that generates more than two-thirds of its total sales abroad and maintains business relationships in more than 120 countries around the globe, we attach a great deal of importance to an international presence. We are always working to further expand our personalized service and strong international team of specialists. With a continuously growing distribution and partner network, we also ensure that close contact with users is maintained at all times.
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