

    For adherence to the German right (dh §71 StrlSchV, § 17 GefStoffV and § 19 ChemG) and to the avoidance of exposition opposite dangerous materials the declaration of decontamination before forwarding is to be attached to the product.
    Please attach the declaration outside the packing. Instruments without this declaration attached will be returned to sender.
    Download Equipment Decontamination Declaration:

    Complaint Form

    Download Complaint Form for return of instruments to the Analytik Jena service and of instruments Biometra to the Biometra Service in Göttingen:

    RMA stickers

    Download the label for return of instruments to the Biometra Service in Göttingen:

    To the shipping addresses

    Addresses for
    sending the devices

    Analytik Jena AG
    Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1
    07745 Jena

    Questions about shipping
    +216 50 338

    Biometra GmbH
    Rudolf-Wissell-Straße 14 – 16
    37079 Göttingen

    Questions about shipping
    +49 551 5068

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