As pure as salt Optical emission spectrometry: solid ground for complex tasks
Analytik Jena France
Founded in
Time zone
Now with a staff of 11, Analytik Jena France SARL was founded in 2013 after an initial phase when dealers were responsible for sales in the country. Today, the company’s sales and service representatives are active all across France, organized into north, south, east, and west.
Optical emission spectrometry: solid ground for complex tasks
For one major French chemical supplier, it’s crucial to be able to document the quality of its high purity salt. The product is used in a variety of industrial processes, and so its purity needs to be safeguarded on an ongoing basis. This is where Analytik Jena came into play.
When presented with the task of making this possible in 2017, it soon became clear that it would not be enough to merely ship off such a device and call it a day. "The matrices in question are quite complex. We worked with our customer to thoroughly test which method of measurement would suit the purpose best. We tried out quite a few different variants in the process," explained Michel Alric, Managing Director of Analytik Jena France SARL. Alric, himself an engineer by trade, continued: "The best results we achieved proved to be in optical emission spectrometry, with ICP OES." Working in close partnership with the customer was also key to their success, he added. And now that the method has proven to provide consistently accurate results, it can be put to use for similar purposes in the future.
The customer currently uses two Analytik Jena devices of this type. And at Analytik Jena, this is not just a matter of boosting sales figures, but one of providing customers with a solid basis for their business – providing value that is beyond quantification.
Before working at Analytik Jena …
… the original team all knew one another from their former lives. Five of today’s 11 staff members had already worked together at another company. When Analytik Jena started in 2013, the office was still under construction, and didn’t even have electricity.
But the team all had enough imagination to continue on and knew that they could rely on each other.
While not working in France ...
… Valérie Willano, who is from Normandy, and Pierre Andrieux, who grew up in Brittany, argue over which region produces the best cidre. The sparkling light apple wine is often served with crêpes – something the Analytik Jena team enjoys at their Christmas get-together in Paris. The crew likes to spoil each other with delicious specialties from their home regions, whether pâté de foie gras, oysters, or indeed crêpes prepared using state-of-theart kitchen equipment!
In my element
Michel Alric
Managing Director Analytik Jena France SARL, Paris
Workwise, I’m in my element …
… when we, as a team, find the best solution for our customers to reach their goals. It helps me that I’ve worked in and with laboratories throughout my career.
Privately, I’m in my element …
... when I’m passively watching rugby or actively cycling on my mountain bike.
For the anniversary …
… as an amateur sommelier, I’d have to bring a bottle of Côtes du Rhône.
Pierre Andrieux
Service Engineer, Paris Area
Workwise, I’m in my element …
… when I’m out and about, visiting customers, unpacking a new system and getting it started. We’re a small team and I need to travel widely, but not only in northern France. Sometimes I even need to head out to the Benelux countries, Spain, Italy, or even Germany.
Privately, I’m in my element …
… as a guitar player in my big band, at rehearsals and gigs with jazz and rock music. I also oft en head back to the sea to my home region of Brittany. There, I feel like a fish in its element, namely water.
For the anniversary …
… I’ll bring crêpes and cidre – from Brittany, of course!
Valerie Willano
Sales Engineer, Southeast France
Workwise, I’m in my element …
… when I’m diving into the individual worlds of our customers and catching a glimpse behind a variety of scenes, whether in steel manufac turing or the production of vaccines. I also enjoy our technical discussions. As I worked in service before I moved to sales, I can help our customers with the specifics as well.
Privately, I’m in my element …
… when I’m out enjoying nature. I live in the mountains, surrounded by lakes and woods. Each summer, we set out as a family together on our bikes. We’ve already cycled through Ireland and Norway. This is actually rather unusual for French people and we mostly meet Germans on our journeys. Each winter, I swap out my bike for cross-country skis, and can cover 1,500 meters in half an hour that way.
For the anniversary …
… I’d bring a huge plate of different cheeses with all the varieties of my region. There are so many traditional cheeses in France and my Parisian colleagues oft en ask me to bring some from my home area. And it would all be accompanied by cidre – from Normandy, of course!
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